Hey, change-maker!
Here’s how we’ll package up your methods, philosophies, and integrity so you’re all set to revolutionise your industry (again).
Premium Program Design:
The Process
Designing a delicious curriculum that prioritizes depth over breadth is not a one-day task. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone, I’m right there with you to translate your unique expertise into an easy-to-implement and transformative learning journey for your clients.
Let me introduce you to my 4-part premium program’s framework, which we’ll follow whether doing online course, group coaching program or certification design.
Phase 1
Lay the fiery foundations
Making sure that your foundations are solid
Curriculum design goes beyond a bunch of sticky notes on your wall, writing a sales page or setting up an email sequence.
To deliver the true transformation that your clients dream of, we need to make sure that your foundations are solid —and spicy.
Here’s how we lay the fiery foundations together:
Mapping out a meaningful, one-of-a-kind learning journey for your clients + students.
Identifying a learner profile that addresses their cultural context, individual intersections and skills to be developed in your container.
Establishing a philosophy that highlights your belief system and values so that you can attract the best-fit students for your content.
Defining a clear transformational goal that will act as a north star for your students and the curriculum we will create together.
Phase 2
Extract the enticing essence
Extracting and documenting all your ideas
With a clear goal + foundations, we move on to extracting and documenting #alltheideas.
You are the subject expert and my job is to ask you all the questions needed to pull the relevant information from your brain.
Think of it as a bubbly brainstorming process (prosecco not included) where there is no right or wrong, just a realm of possibilities ahead.
Here’s how we extract the essence together:
Brainstorming meets journaling meets visualisation: we’ll creatively explore the possibilities ahead, with a twist — I’ll listen, ask, and document everything we say to then reflect back and analyze it from your ideal learner’s perspective
Discussing past or existing IP assets relevant to your new curriculum to make sure that everything works together in your business ecosystem
Phase 3
Build the savoury structure
Finding patterns and creating flow
If you’re anything like me, you might be familiar with the where-do-I-start feeling that arises after a good brainstorming session. Not to worry. Let me find the patterns to create the flow that will make the most sense for your people. We intentionally design an inviting learning environment that supports them, and makes implementing and getting to the end goal a joyful experience.
Here’s how we build a savoury structure together:
Defining the best-fit structure that highlights your natural skills as the facilitator and supports your future students’ needs
Refining a revolutionary methodology that focuses on skill development and favours implementation over information
Creating a potent curriculum that brings everything together: philosophy, methodology, modules, lessons, tasks and resources
If we are developing your certification program this phase includes co-writing of assessment and evaluation + feedback tools
Phase 4
Create the potent pathway
Creating your Book of Brilliance
Now is the time for you to relax and sip your favorite drink while I combine all the ingredients into your Book of Brilliance that contains everything you need to go into production mode.
Your Book of Brilliance is a comprehensive document that contains every single thing that we developed together: learning journey, learner profile, philosophy, transformational goal and a detailed breakdown of your curriculum (modules, lessons, lessons’ core content, and tasks and resources for your participants).
It also contains a curated list of guidelines and recommendations to address DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), motivation, and accessibility.
Whether you go into production (recording of video or audio lessons) by yourself or with your faculty members or guest experts, your Book of Brilliance will guide you potently.
Client Testimonial
“Mariana made this entire process super fun and helped me share all the knowledge I had swirling in my brain through one cohesive course!”
“The Quirky Pineapple Studio is a brand strategy and copywriting studio for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and Feminist-run brands and businesses to. We help them share their story, connect with their community, and make inclusive, awesome shit (read: content)!
Before working with Mariana, I knew I wanted to change my business model and create something that was a standalone, signature course that also changed the industry.
But I really didn’t know where to start, what that could look like, and how to make sure any participants, who enrolled, would complete the course and feel supported.
While working with Mariana, she made the process so easy and NOT painful! She answered all my questions, shared resources to protect my IP, and structured the course in a way that isn’t overwhelming to me or to any participants. She also called me out when I was adding in lots of information (out of fear of not providing enough value) and told me this was PLENTY for folx.
Now, not only do I have an entire game plan for my certification course, I have a MUCH clearer vision on how to change my business model, how the business can grow and expand, and what impact I can truly make in the industry. Mariana made this entire process super fun and really helped me share all the knowledge I had swirling in my brain through one cohesive course!”
Cassandra Le
Brand Strategist & Copywriter
Founder of The Quirky Pineapple Studio